Montag, August 20

Guess what guys.

I called England just now! And now I have a place to stay before and after my orientation. Phew! Now if only I can get all this money and housing stuff settled... But I'll worry about that tomorrow, at Tara!

Went down to see Yasha this weekend. I've never seen San Diego so hot and humid before, but it was good times anyway. I ate a lot of bomb food and hung out with the Kristin/Moises/Jack unit (Jack is the dog but you'd never know it the way they spoil him) and met Yasha's mom and acted as driving instructor for a little while. Also we hit up the MOCA and they had a really cool exhibit of this guy who makes pictures out of stuff like toy soldiers, sugar, peanut butter and jelly, ashes, ketchup, dirt, etc. I dunno about from an artistic standpoint, but it was really fun to look at.

I watched sarah z's first video blog and it was really cute so I am thinking of starting my own! D-day is fast approaching and I'm so excited and scared that it's becoming hard to tell the difference. Either way my stomach is not pleased. Yikes!

p.s. check out yasha'a blog for pictures

2 Kommentare:

sarahzzz hat gesagt…

I'm loving it here but I'm not brave, I'm scared shitless. we're going for a whole year. what if I want to go home? I'm so worried about that. I will feel so much better once you're here too. at least I'll know someone else from SD in Europe for the whole year.

charlene hat gesagt…

i'm jealous you got to hang out with yasha! i haven't made a video blog yet because i feel like there isn't that much to say yet.