Dienstag, August 21

Holy crap.

It's in the 60s and raining in London right now. IT'S AUGUST! Holy crap.

edit: I also found out that my housing form thingy made it to london in time and I do in fact have a place to live. I said that like it was an update on something I had been talking about before, but it's not really, because I was having a private freak-out session in my head about it and I was so incredibly freaked out that I couldn't even voice my concern for fear of it coming true. But now I can tell you that I had to mail in this slip saying that I wanted to accept the housing they offered me, and I was deathly afraid that it hadn't reached them, but was too afraid to call and see if it had in case it hadn't. This is too complicated. I am not homeless in a foreign land. Everything is ok.

another edit: my little sister is moving in to college tomorrow! Crazy!

1 Kommentar:

charlene hat gesagt…

yeah, it's sprinkling here.