Donnerstag, April 19

An open letter to whoever left the swedish fish on my desk:

I hope you meant for me to eat them, and didn't just forget them or something. Because you can't just go around leaving swedish fish all over the place and expect for them to be there later. Finders keepers, is all I'm sayin.


8 Kommentare:

Anupamapamapama hat gesagt…

So I was curious about the fish I decided to check the security camera I keep in our room (yes I have one, and no I won't tell you where it is, and yes I do know what you do when I'm not there...sick freak). Anyways, a wee little man climbed through the window and proceeded to jump on the beds, eat a pizza, and try on our he left, he dropped the fish.

Mystery solved.

Mandy hat gesagt…

oh yeah, um, that was charlene. mystery solveder.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Mmmmmmmmmmm swedish fish! Especially the green ones!

Unknown hat gesagt…

Dude, this would make a good topic for a WCW poem.

charlene hat gesagt…

what can i say? i just can't help myself. your clothes are so inviting.

Anonym hat gesagt…

yeah I thought this was gonna be another william carlos williams poem when I first started reading it.

annnd..I don't know what a swedish fish is. :(

Mandy hat gesagt…

it's candy, stupid!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!