Mittwoch, März 14

sleeping bear

I <3 my TA. Sarah, you would appreciate this. He almost invited me to be part of his salon (WTF?! salon?!) until he found out I was only 20. I think he should have invited me anyway, but then I'm glad he didn't, because it would mean having to converse with graduate students in particular and people I don't know in general. Anyway, it's good to know someone thinks you're cool enough to recruit you into their secret society. Plus I have an idea for my final project and I think it will be pretty good, if I can pull it off.

2 Kommentare:

charlene hat gesagt…

SALON?! that is fucking sweet. i wish some cool grad student asked me to hang out with him and join his group. salons are so old school. i'm so jealous.

Yasha hat gesagt…

whats a salon?