Donnerstag, November 30


I am having a really shitty day. I have a really bad headache. I have 3 more hours of work. This sucks really bad. Sometimes I feel like me and my body are enemies. It's out to get me, I'm telling you. Today I slept through both my german class and the time when I was supposed to meet with the literature advising office and get my study abroad thing signed. Now I have to get up early tomorrow and walk over to warren to get it done (hopefully) and then walk back to muir for my 10:00 class. Thus is my punishment for oversleeping. Except I don't think i should be punished. I am doing my best, I really am. It's week 10 and I have more important things to do than sleep. But you can't expect your body to understand these things. Soooo selfish. I suppose I will fill the rest of my time at work studying so that I will feel better about myself. But man, does my head hurt.

I can't wait to go to London. I hope I get in to King's. It will be marvelous.

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