Sonntag, Oktober 22


The Bob Dylan show SUCKED. I hated it. It was really really not good.

I was prepared for half, or two thirds, or three fourths, or even seven eights, of the set to be newer songs which I didn't know. But I was not prepared for this. I recognized a total of two songs: an even more boring (I never thought this possible, but it's true) version of maggie's farm, and a HORRENDOUS rendition of like a rolling stone. It's called a melody, dude. People enjoy them. I felt like one of those poor little sixties kids when he went electirc, except at least then he didn't suck yet! I don't know why he feels the need to butcher his own songs, it really blows my mind.

Anyway, the rest of the set was totally and completely foreign to me, and also very boring, and I definitely spent the entire first hour or so just trying to keep from dozing off. not to mention that he didn't say a WORD to the crowd the entire. time. We all paid good money to come see him, the least he could give us is a "Thank you," or a "Hi, I'm Bob Dylan," or a corny "How are you doing tonight, San Diego?" Like seriously, what a jerk! He couldn't have made it any more clear that he didn't give a shit about his fans or what they wanted to hear.

I realize that this is my own fault, that I should have known better than to pay all that money to see a big name who's recent music intrests me not at all. I also realize that people can play whatever they want at their shows and it's not really my place to judge what they choose. But honestly, is it asking too much for just ONE decent hit from his earlier days? I'm not even asking for accoustic folk songs, I would have settled for something from Blonde on Blonde or even Blood on the Tracks. THROW ME A FREAKIN BONE.

I am so ridiculously disappinted. Kill me now. Time to finish my lit paper.

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