Mittwoch, September 5

Yesterday was a very dark, hot, day. Days that are both hot and dark are very rare, and thank goodness, because they really take it out of you. Every activity is torture. Your seatbelt burns you, your jeans stick to your legs, stores' air conditioners can't keep up with the constant flow of open doors and hot bodies, eating even the smallest meal makes you feel sick and bloated. The clouds and the possibility of rain make you want to curl up in bed with a book, but it's much too hot for covers and much to hot for concentration on anything. You are left alone with your hot, dark thoughts. You find out about a form you haven't filled out and your whole world comes crashing down around you. nothing can be done about this form. You will never find the stength inside you to fill it out. You will not make it past this day. You wallow in self pity, fear, and heartburn (I forgot to mention you visited a Mexican restaraunt earlier in the day). At least I did.

I have good days and bad days, when it comes to this whole moving thing. Yesterday, not so good. Today, better. Maybe it was the fact that the temperature dropped 10 degrees, the humidity seemed back to normal, at least relative to the last week, and the clouds were gone. It also could have been the trip to H&M, or the Peppers. I tried huevos rancheros for the first time because I realized I had never tried it. They serve it all day! It was great. Also, my new camera came in the mail! It's beautiful. I have yet to give it a real trial run, but the pictures I took in my dark room look pretty good. I think I am going to try and make a video blog about the next few days, so keep an eye out for that. I am still trying to figure out iMovie though, so it might not happen.

I have to keep telling myself that this is what I want to do. In times like these I find that it's better to ignore your emotions and follow your head. Hopefully this approach will not end in failure.

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