Freitag, August 31

No wonder he hung out with poor people so much

Tonight Josh Santee and I were talking about some shirt on threadless that depicts Jesus on a hanglider and says "What wouldn't Jesus do?" Naturally we started trying to think of things that Jesus wouldn't want to do, and at first it seemed like the list wouldn't be very long. I brought up the example of if we were to ask Jesus if he'd like to go get some Taco Bell. "He would probably be down for that," I said. But then it occured to us that Taco Bell most likely exploits immigrants or uses meat from animals who are treated very badly. After that we realized that most of the things that we middle-class Americans do probably indirectly hurt someone, somehwere. Even just driving around hurts the environment and therefore all of mankind. Thus, in today's world, Jesus would be pretty hard pressed to think of something he could do that isn't somehow sinful, besides maybe sitting around in the mountains alone reading the bible, which I think is acually worse, with all this bad stuff in the world that needs fixing. In short, as Josh so eloquently put it, it's a pretty sad moment when you realize that Jesus pretty much wouldn't be down for anything you do on a day-to-day basis. Chew on that, friends.

3 Kommentare:

sarahzzz hat gesagt…

I had never really thought about that. it's totally true.

Anonym hat gesagt…

I didn't know Jesus was down for illegal immigrants?

Mandy hat gesagt…

That is a very interesting statement and I have absolutely no answer to it. You should run for congress, anonym!