Donnerstag, August 30

Love the sinner, hate the sin

Tonight while driving home from LA I realized that I love freeways. I really do. The idea of them makes me happy. You can just get on one and go and go, you don't have to think, you just follow the lines for as long as you like, and when you feel like stopping, you just get off, and when you feel like going again, it's there waiting for you.

And then there are the signs! Oh, the signs, constantly imforming you of all your different and exciting options. If, for example, you are following google maps directions and know what you're doing, you can choose between east or west. But if you are more free spirited, you can decide by which city you want to go in the general direction of. You might one day decide that you would like to go towards sacramento for a while and hop on the five north, but if you change your mind along the way and want to head out to santa monica, there's always the 10 west, or for pasadena you could take the 110 OR the 210! If the people at the greek theater make you go out the back way, through the hills, which spits you out in the middle of hollywood instead of onto the 5, it's ok, cause you can just hop right on the 101 and it takes you to exactly the same place! The possibilities are endless. Oh, the 10-15 interchange is closed, you say? Doesn't bother me! I can just get off on etiwanda! Oh no, I didn't merge over far enough and am about to exit on Wilshire! Wait just one minute kiddo, we have this handy just-keep-going-straight-and-get-right-back on-the-freeway thingy for people with just your problem.

Oh, freeways. So infinitely satisfying. The more comlicated, the better, I say. These Inland empire ones are a little on the boring side-- exits always on the right, and onramp for every offramp, logical interhcnaged, smooth pavement. Give me a sign that makes my mouth hang open in utter bewilderment, tell me to cross over four lanes in 30 seconds, make me try to hold my breath while going through a long tunnel in rush hour traffic. Now that's my idea of a good driving experience.

Don't misunderstand me; I still loathe traffice, pollution, car accidents, and things like that. But man do I love freeways.

2 Kommentare:

Amy hat gesagt…

wow I never knew your drive home would be so inspiring. me, all I can think about is how much I HATE this essay and everything it stands for. it's also making me hate myself!

Sheri hat gesagt…

As for me, there is not much I hate more than having to cross 4 lanes in 30 seconds, right Kourtney?