Dienstag, Juli 3


Tonight was a good night. Josh and santee came over and we set off some really amazing (read: most boring I have ever seen in my entire life but in a really hilarious way) fireworks. I can't wait for the actual fourth because I love fireworks with all my heart. I know I already talked about this but I am actually sad about the whole fireworks becoming illegal thing. I mean actually get a sad feeling inside when I think about it. Also a little bit of outrage is mixed in. My childhood is going up in flames and screaming like a piccolo pete. Josh and Santee, by the way, dropped the ball and did not purchase any piccolo petes for tonight's pre-game festivities. also only one pack of ground blooms. Way to botch things up, guys, for serious.

After that we went to Corky's (it's like dennys but not) and ate with marcos. marcos was incredibly happy to see me, as always, and as always, I was mildly disturbed by this. However, I soon became distraced by the fact that I ordered 2 pieces of french toast and ended up getting THREE. mmmm delicious.

When I got home my sister and I created an amazing illustration of harry potter becoming a death eater despite ron's pleas, and laughed a lot. Now I have to occupy my mind for a few more hours because I managed to sleep pretty much all day long.

1 Kommentar:

Yasha hat gesagt…

you're such an artist!

i still say the seventh horcrux thing is weirder.