Donnerstag, März 8

baby britain

man, it really would be nice to find out where I am living next year. I don't even care where that much; both schools would be equally amazing. It's just that it would be nice to have a little certainty right about now. It's kind of annoying that sarah and charlene both found out about their programs already and i turned in my application way before them! It makes sense, it's just the nature of my application process that makes it take forever. Also, I had to go and pick the hardest school to get into, possibly in the entire EAP program. I would. So that probably doesn't help. It's still annoying though.

This is a stupid day. That's the only way to describe it. It's stupid that this day is happeneing.

4 Kommentare:

Yasha hat gesagt…

i've been checking your blog every few hours to see if you've heard from them yet.

Anupamapamapama hat gesagt…

yeah i totally need to know where you're going too...i mean i wonder where the duffel bag i'm stuffin myself into will end up in the end... gosh, woe is me!

Anonym hat gesagt…

I don't know what college I'm going to either. it sucks!

charlene hat gesagt…

mandy, it's only because you refuse to go to the office and ask if you were accepted into the program. i would like to know which program you were accepted into as well. and i do agree it is unfair that me and sarah already know the decision. if it makes you feel better, and i know it won't, i haven't received my letter saying that i got in. like yasha, i constantly check your blog to see if you got in...