Samstag, Februar 17

One of those blogs where I give you a detailed account of my day, and even though you couldn't care less, you feel compelled to read the entire thing.

Today was a good day. I slept through german class and woke up at 11 instead, only to find two glorious emails waiting for me, announcing that half of my afternoon classes had been canceled! Such emails are, in my opinion, along with packages n the mail, the very definition of happiness. So all I had to do was sit in my writing class and my bitish lit discussion, and was done with class by 3 instead of six. I spent my down time watching Extras and napping, until I was woken up by a phone call, the basic content of which was something along the lines of, "meet us in the parking lot, we're going to punjabi tandoor!" Hells yeah I will meet you in the parking lot for punjabi tandoor, I said. That's not true, by the way--it was more like uuuuuugh I dont feel like waking up but who am i kidding, I can't say no to that. anyway, we went, and ate lots of oily stuff and this great lamb thing and some delicious fried rice type dish only spicier and more yellow. we got home just in time to store our many leftovers in the fridge and then head down to price center for the vagina monologues. It was very well done, and I was pleasantly surprised. Some questionable philosophy, yes, but not overall, and they had this movie at the beginning where they went around campus and interviewed people about what their vag would wear if it had clothes, what kind of party it would throw, what it would say if it could talk, etc. It was solid gold, especially because we knew many of the interviewees (one of whom was jason babineu of Etiwanda High School fame, and who is apparently just as much of a superstar here at UCSD--weird! oh yeah, also, alvina chow was one of the vag monologuers, which was also weird fro me, but she did a good job). After the vag mons, as we dubbed them during the night, we went over to earl's for coffee and strolled back to the apartment with it, after making a pit stop at sungod lounge, which i guess is open all night (?) and has a very eerie flourescent vibe that i like. At home we ate some of our leftovers and then we watched I <3 Huckabees, which obviously was good times--yes. no. time, not space. no I don't know what you're talking about.-- classic. Then, and don't lose interest here, because this is the best part, we went over to mandeville and played on the newly erected see-saw! It's quite amazing really, totally homemade out of a tree stump and a long board painted red with blue knobs to hang on to. the board is not connected to the stump, which some people seemed to find alarming, but i thought added to the fun immensely. Here, I'll show you:

There was also a very climbable tree next to it, which I climed, kind of, or at least enough to take some pictures of me sitting in it, and in this facebook culture, that's all that really matters, right?

Anyway it turned out that Yasha and Sarah had never been to the graffiti covered stairwell in mandeville, so we went and looked at that, and then messed around in the middle part of mandeville for a while, looking at all the weird little artsy surprises down there. I found myself wishing that I were an artist so that i could spend my time down there drawing on the walls and such, or at least that they would have writing classes in that area to make us feel cooler. But alas, we must take what we can get, namely, HSS.

4 Kommentare:

Constance hat gesagt…

Wow, why was Jason Babineau talking about vaginas?

Yasha hat gesagt…

good times good times!

charlene hat gesagt…

that was a fun night. and i love those pictures. i look crazy in all of them. yayyy.

Anonym hat gesagt…

you spelled climbed wrong.