Freitag, Januar 19

There is no way I will ever be able to finish all of my homework for any given day. No possible way. When you have an entire Jane Austen novel, half of Gulliver's Travels, a three page essay, german homework, work, actually attending classes, going to the gym, eating, and sleeping to do, you just have to pick and choose what's most important to you each given day. Today I chose reading, and I chose wrong, because although I spent the entire afternoon and evening at it, I am still not even close to done and haven't even touched my german homework. I may as well have just gone for the sleep. I hope I can at least partially catch up this weekend. yikes.

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Should have been a business major.


sarah hat gesagt…

that is totally how i feel, too dude. we have to talk about our classes! i can't wait to tell you about mine. i'm reading chaucer. haha.