Mittwoch, Dezember 6

Homeward Bound not only a really dumb movie about dogs, but will be me, tomorrow! It doesn't feel like the quarter is over, but I suppose it is. I guess I won't be seeing my school friends for a whole month, which is kind of weird, but not really. I think a lot of times we try to make a big deal of things like this because it makes us feel like our lives are more meaningful or something. I won't see my friends for a month, and then I will see them again. Oh well. There are more important things to make big deals about (yes, this is blatant hypocrisy, or maybe just a dis on my friends?). Namely, Christmas and traveling. I think I am going to watch Elf later to get myself in the spirit of things, because if there's one thing that will knock the jolliness right out of you, it's finals week.

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

it isn't a dumb movie! you're dumb!