Sonntag, November 19

Last night I french braided my hair for the first time ever. I was sitting there on the couch, talking to my friends, and I just did it. It looked like shit basically, but I did it. And then I felt really bad because all my life I've been operating under the assumption that I am not capable of french-braiding. As if it were some special gift granted to only a few lucky girls. It's like this:

"Can you french braid?"
"No, but so and so can, ask her"
"My mom always does it for me, I can't do it"
"I can only do it on myself."
"I wish I knew how"
"Can you french braid?"

When really all you have to do is try. And I think that a lot fo things in life are similar. We assume that just because we haven't been doing them our whole lives, we can't begin to do them now. We act as if, at nineteen, we are so set in our ways that it's hopeless to try new things. It's too late to learn to play an instrument, it's too late to change my major, it's too late to make new friends, too late to learn to surf,too late to start excercising, too late to start going to church, too late, too late, too late. But really we're only nineteen, and all we have to do is try.

3 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

deep! (positivity from you is rare)

jpaulp hat gesagt…

"too late"? This could be a song. I think your on the something here.

Mandy hat gesagt…

you should write it