Freitag, Oktober 20

Meow mix, meow mix, please deliver!

Do you ever feel like every single person you know is about 50 times more talented than you are? I guess that's what happens when you have cool friends. Ok, I have just talked myself back into some small level of self-confidence. Phew, that was getting depressing for a few seconds there. Lately, I have to do this at least 5 times a day. Convince myself that I have someting to offer the world. Is that patheitc? Maybe, but what isn't, eh?

Anyway what I was going to say is that this weekend I am going to two concerts:

1) The Decemberists, back at the Wiltern, with my siblings and Josh. I am less excited about the band than I am about seeing the people. I can feel the warm fuzzies already. Perhaps we can even go to Denny's afterward?! (There is one right next door!) I miss Denny's with Josh. It would be so nice right now to have one of those completely carefree, albiet usually too carefree, nights where I literally have nowhere else in the world to be besides in a booth across from my friend on my 4th cup of coffee discussing where I would be if I could be anywhere right now (in case you were wondering-- on a porch, in the south, wearing white, waiting.)

2) Bob Dylan, at san diego state with charlene. It hasn't really sunk in that I am going to see him in real life, this person who is almost more like a symbol of what my life is not than a real human being in my mind. Should be inteesting to see what songs he plays, seeing as he has bajillions to choose from over half of which I have probably never heard. Also it is going to be a sitting down concert. I don't know how to feel about this one so I am going to not feel anything at all, which is the opposite approach I took to the Sufjan show. We'll see how it turns out.

but first, FIRST, I have to finish all this motherfucking homework. Why did I plan so much for this month? I am taking two classes pass/fail and yet I still feel like the sky is caving in on me. I am trying to live my life and not worry about it, but you have to understand, it's just not in my nature to let go.

4 Kommentare:

Anupamapamapama hat gesagt…

yeah you're right mandy, i AM 50 more times talented than you.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Mandy, you know you're more talented than I am. So anytime you feel sad, just think of me.

"It hasn't really sunk in that I am going to see him in real life, this person who is almost more like a symbol of what my life is not than a real human being in my mind."

This quote is sort of sad.

- Eddie

Mandy hat gesagt…

I didn't mean it in a sad way.

Anonym hat gesagt…

yay for concerts! and siblings! and denny's! and...just yay!