Dienstag, September 26

playa hating

Things I wish I were:
- musician
- poet
- physicist

Words I wish I used more:
- surrepticiously
- unkempt

Things I wish I could do:
- spell. no, cancel that. it makes me feel like one of those absent-minded professor types.
- surf. girls who surf are so much better than girls who sit on the sand.

3 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

take up an instrument and we'll form a traveling band.

Anonym hat gesagt…

heyyy wait a minute....you were supposed to learn banjo and I was supposed to learn guitar for our folk sister act. we really need to get on that.

Constance hat gesagt…

I will give you my dictionary word of the day:

fulsome: offensive from excess of praise.