Donnerstag, Juli 12

Harry Potter (movie)

I thought it was pretty corny, and also somehow slow and rushed at the same time, and also not nearly dark enough. But, as Josh said, it could have been a lot worse (think: first and second movies).

Sometimes I wish I were a screenwriter just so I could write some convincing dialogue for these poor kids. I understand the whole time constraint thing but my goodness. Or maybe they just can't act. On second thought I think this is probably the case.

Watching the movie did, however, get me super pumped for the final book. I am legitimately concerned about how this all will play out. When the world is sick, can't no one be well?

1 Kommentar:

sarahzzz hat gesagt…

really? Alex told me it was the best movie yet. hmm. I'm hopefully seeing it tonight so I'll see then...