Mittwoch, Mai 2

So I'm standing there putting a lid on my mocha when this guy next to me says, "How's it going."
I turn my head, surprised, but before I can answer he's all, "What kind of drink is that?"
"Oh, it's just a mocha." I say.
"What kind?"
"Just a regular one." He doesn't seem to find this response sufficient. "Well it's nonfat, but it's just a regular--"
"what flavor?"
"well, just chocolate."
"yeah." There is a short pause during which I consider whether mocha does, in fact, imply chocolate, as I always assumed it had. I decide that I am pretty sure it does.
"Yeah, I switched to non-fat a long time ago." He continues. "I think Americans drink too much milk [I laugh]. And if you add up all the grams of fat in a glass of whole milk?"
"Yeah, it's a lot."
"Yeah, and if you like subtract the number of fat, of calories, you know, by switching to skim?"
"yeah, I know, it makes a big difference."
I am done preparing my drink and turn away, looking toward the counter to see if my bagel is ready yet, hoping that it is.
"Nice talking to you," he says.
"Yeah, bye," I say.

2 Kommentare:

Yasha hat gesagt…

Who's Mr. J? and I'm surprised he didn't do the math on the different milks.

Anonym hat gesagt…

too much milk... wtf...