Mittwoch, Januar 10

Chaucer, Milton, and JK Rowling

I have this complex where in order to write any sort of paper or essay, I have to be in "the zone." I actually call it that. I actually say to my roommate, "I can't write it right now, I'm not in the zone." It's pretty retarded. But the thing is that the zone never chooses to grace me with its presence until right before the deadline. Like the stupid essay I have been putting off for my study abroad application. It only has to be 2 pages long and I had all of break to do it, but I couldn't bring myself to sit down and type it up till just now, tonight. My first paragraph ended up being actually pretty good (the rest is boring stuff they want to know about academics and crap), cause I was in the zone. The first paragraph from last time I attempted to write it was complete and total crap. I was ashamed to go back and read it. I wanted to kill whoever had written it. Thus are the hazards of attempting to write outside the zone. Anyway it's almost done now, and therefore so is my application and I am pretty happy about that!

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

I say that I work best under pressure, but I've never called it the zone. how silly.

in any case, this is so, so true.