Donnerstag, September 21

Is this normal?

I am so so so confused about what I want to learn in college. This is my main goal: to learn what everyone else thinks about everything, and then to tell people what I think about something. In a more concrete sense, I want to go to school for an absurdly long time, become a college professor to make money, and then hopefully write something someday that changes something. The first part of the goal (learning what everyone thinks about everything) is unrealistic, thus, the dilema.

My immediate problem is how to pick the major(s) that teach me the largest possible quantity of ideas that exists in the world, including but not limited to, religion, philosophy, politics, art, music, science, history, linguistics, etc, etc, etc.

I think for now I am going to stick with Literature. But I am torn about my second major. And I am torn about whether or not it is pathetic to hide in philosophicalness, and whether I should force myself to deal more with reality.

Advice please?

Also, I am a huge dumbass for not buying my textbooks sooner, because now all the used ones are sold out at the library. Not that I have enough money in my account for them anyway. Gaaaahhhh stress.

But other than that today was good, classes seem fine, I love being back at school, and only 18 more days till Sufjan!!!!!

4 Kommentare:

Constance hat gesagt…

"This is my main goal: to learn what everyone else thinks about everything"

Thats impossible Mandy... just follow your heart, thats what I do.

Anonym hat gesagt…

for some reason I thought connie said "follow your hearts" and I was like what! but no.

screw reality! go with philosophical happiness. yay.

sarah hat gesagt…

dude. i got a blogger account just so i could leave ocmments on your thing. ...

you should concede to a demand of mine, which is to link this to your facebook because then itls easier to get to... ...ehhhhh? ehhhh?


Anonym hat gesagt…

well at least you know what your profession is. you're 100% better off than the rest of us undeclared fools.