Samstag, November 18


exploring san diego: FAILURE

in'n'out: DELICIOUS

5 episodes of sex and the city: DEPRESSING

sleeping till 3: " "

only seeing two hours of daylight: " "

pizza: [probably will be] DELICIOUS

more sex and the city: [probably will be even more] DEPRESSING

my state of mind this past week: TOTALLY FUCKED UP

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

I couldn't help but wonder... is college really as great as it is made out to be?

Anupamapamapama hat gesagt…

haha yes yasha. hello we were able to wallow around in our pjs this whole weekend with no one to to tell us to actually be productive. THAT is what is so amazing amazing about college. ummmmandy get up so we can eat some delicious brunch....