Dienstag, Oktober 24

Trick or Treat

So Yasha got us on the guest list for Sigma Chi this weekend, and for those of you who don't attend UCSD, this means we are cool kids! I feel sort of pathetically happy about that, despite the fact that I kind of hate halloween and frat parties in general. But I am also kind of sad because now I am in need of an at least slightly slutty costume. I am thinking maybe slutty bird, or slutty Mrs. Claus. My friends have already taken slutty indian, slutty princess Jasmine, and slutty Barbie. What I really want to be is margo tenenbaum but there are two problems with that idea: 1) where would i find the dress?! and 2) nobody would get it, the philistines! Anyway, anyone have ideas?

2 Kommentare:

jpaulp hat gesagt…

My roommate in London, the Bear, is in Sigma Chi. And my other roommate, Harry, joined that after we got back. I decided not to buy my friends.

Anonym hat gesagt…

You need the wooden finger.
